Individual JR/JV Event InformationSee the summary listing below. Detailed information and descriptions, including the JR/JV event time limits, and all ballots may be found on the Ambassador Club website's JV Events page. Go to this website to read about all the JR/JV Speech Events.
Mrs. Tanya Aviles will direct our JR/JV Speech Tournament. You can reach her at [email protected]. Please be sure you have gone to the Ambassador Club website's JV Events page to learn about all our JR/JV Speech events before you email Tanya with questions which are already answered on our website.
JR/JV Platform Speeches:
I. Apologetics based on one of the questions below:
1. What does it mean that God is eternal? Why does this matter?
2. Is the New Testament historically reliable?
3. Why am I here? And what is my purpose in life?
4. Is there evidence for the historical existence of Jesus? Is this evidence necessary for the Christian faith?
5. Does man need salvation?
6. What is Apologetics and why do we study it?
7. How do we know Jesus really died and resurrected?
8. Who is God? And what are some of His characteristics?
II. Original Oratory - including Persuasive
III. Expository
JR/JV Interpretive Speeches:
I. Open Interp
II. Poetry
III. Duo Interp
IV. Story Reading
JR/JV Limited Prep Speeches:
I. Bible Story Impromptu
II. Impromptu
III. Salesmanship
JV/JR Bible Story Impromptu Stories
Bible Stories for all 3 Rounds
1. David and Goliath
2. Noah and the ark
3. Jonah and the whale
4. Moses and the burning bush
5. Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
6. Zacchaeus
7. Peter walks on the water
8. Parable of the prodigal son
9. The Good Samaritan
10. Hannah and Samuel
11. The Tower of Babel
12. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
13. Abraham, man of faith
14. Mary and Joseph
15. Saul who became Paul
16. Parable of the lost sheep
17. Two builders: Wise & Foolish
18. Jesus & the feeding of the 5,000
19. The Birth of Jesus
20. The angel's visit to the shepherds
21. The Resurrection of Jesus
22. Jesus, his disciples & the miraculous catch of fish
JR/JV/ Debate Events
Student Congress: See additional info on the left-hand tabs below this tab.
In a Student Congress session, students will debate a calendar of Bills and Resolutions, written by themselves and the students participating in the event. To learn more about Student Congress, go to the _JR/JV Student Congress Info Tab directly below in the left-hand column.
All the Bills and Resolutions will be posted on this website. The entire Congress Round will be run and kept organized by the Presiding Officer, Ambassador JV Coach Margaret Myhre.
The deadline for Bills and Resolutions to be submitted to Coach Myhre at <[email protected]> is 1:00 PM on Thursday, February 1st.
Check back on on the JR/JV Student Congress Bills & Resolutions Tab at on Saturday, February 3rd, for the link to all the JR/JV Student Congress Bills and Resolutions.