JR/JV/ Debate Event

Student Congress

In this Congress session, Margaret Myhre, our JV Coach, with lots of experience in this role, will serve as Presiding Officer.

Students will debate a calendar of Bills and Resolutions, written by themselves and the other JV Congress students.

All the Bills and Resolutions will be posted on this website. The entire Congress Round will be run and kept organized by the Presiding Officer, Ambassador JV Coach Margaret Myhre.

The deadline for Bills and Resolutions to be submitted to Coach Myhre at <[email protected]> is 1:00 PM on Thursday, February 1st.

Check back on on the JR/JV Student Congress Bills & Resolutions Tab at 1:00 PM on Friday, February 2nd, at the link to all the JR/JV Student Congress Bills and Resolutions.